Committed to Excellence ​
Since 1997 the club’s endowed scholarship has assisted over 50 students from Escambia and Santa Rosa counties with the cost of attending the University of Alabama.
Our Annual Summer Scholarship Kick-Off event is a primary fundraiser for our scholarships along with the generous contributions of many of our long-time members and dedicated supporters!
2023 Hardy Vance, Ciara Steadman, Kayla Harmon,
Kelsi Wright, Owen Morelli, John Borrell
2022 Anna-Madeline Carrick, Lacey Fisher,
Charles Jasso, Raven Price, Hunter Pullum, & Matthew Willis
2021 Margaret Ann Vinson, Lonni Moorer &
Bailey Weaver
2020 Kennedy Hooten
2019 Madeleine Leidner and Shelby Speck
2018 Miranda Avery and Samuel Faulkner
2016 Kendall Jordan & MeganPewitt
2015 Ben Barrow & Savannah Nixon
2014 Carter & Hunter Haferkamp
2013 Connor Cole & Tristan Dopyera
2012 Stephanie Craig & Travis Gottstine
Previous Scholarship Recipients:
2011 Kylie McLeod
2010 Lee Bertram & Shelby Morgan
2009 Shelby Morgan
2008 Morgan Tatum
2007 Ashton Mitchell
2006 Nichole Eldridge & James Mitchell
2005 Lauren Dotson & Travis Roth
2004 Kelsey Koper
2003 Greg Eosenbaum
2001 Amanda Adkins, John Jacobi & Sarah Soule
2000 Richard Adams
1999 Kendall Maygarden & Bonnie Threadgill
1998 Ashley Dickson & Kristen Harper
1997 Staci Corley & Sabrina Scherer