Pensacola Bama Club
A Chapter of the University of Alabama National Alumni Association
The Pensacola Bama Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, fan-based organization representing the University of Alabama National Alumni Association in Pensacola, Florida. The Bama Club is open to alumni, friends and fans of the university.
The organization’s primary mission is to provide scholarships to deserving local high school students as well as play host to an annual kick-off event and game watching parties.
Members are also eligible to participate in the club’s football ticket exchange program and receive regular updates on university athletic events and academic endeavors.
Meet the Board
The Pensacola Bama Club Board is an active
group and always looking for new recruits!​
President: Will Moore
Vice President: Dave Lewallyn
Secretary: Ryan Walker
Treasurer: Rachael Dannelley
Marketing Chair: Sabrina McLaughlin
Scholarship Chair: Will Moore
Watch Party Co-Chairs: Bob & Ann Olaveson
At-Large: Jenny Baars, Barry Cole, Jenny Pate,
Jen O'Brien, Tommy Hopper, Leslie Hasall, Shannon Grady,
Lamar Faulkner, Michael Ledwell & Debbie Ledwell
For more information on joining the board, email
us at PensacolaBamaCLub@yahoo.com.